Monday, July 9, 2012

15 Waterfalls in One Day (Anan's first day in Switzerland)

The train ride was fun and also looking out the window to see waterfalls. I saw 15 waterfalls just on one train ride. We went to Wengen. It was fun and before the one day, we buyed a couple little games. And I was very good when we were playing on the train with my mom. I was beating her. The name of the game is (גנבים). I also played with Zoey Monopoly Deal on two of the trains but in two of the trains we didn't have time to play, so we got off, and took our luggage, and went on a bus. Everybody smushed everybody and I can't stand there. It's like I'm smushed with seven fat guys next to me. We were smushed because a lot of people came on, because we couldn't stay on the train we were supposed to stay on.

This is before Yadin disappeared
When we were already in Wengen, me and Yadin played chess outside on a giant chess board. After a while, he said he would go to the bathroom; he asked a lady if there was a bathroom in the store and she said no there wasn't and then she pointed to one of the sides. He went and couldn't find one so he watched two kids playing chess on a different board. After a while I was looking for Yadin. Where is he? I was looking for him three times until my mom and dad and my sister and my other big sister came, and I said to them Yadin is not here. Let's go find him. It took us a while to find him until we came to a man and asked him if a boy had come to use the bathroom in his restaurant. He said no, but we kept going down the street and then we found him. We played like 25 minutes while Yadin started to go and then Zoey and Abba also went and only me, Rakia and Mommy stayed and then we went home.

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