Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 5 - Quick summary before Shabbat

Another great day here on Mt Desert Island...starting off on Sand Beach, which has beautiful smooth sand but freezing cold water. Some of the kids (mostly Anan) participated in a park ranger's program about sand, and we dipped our toes before they got numb. The brave among us went all the way in (Josh, me, Anan, almost all of Zoey), but we could only stay in for 30 seconds before getting out. Anan had fun jumping from rock to rock. He and Rakia did not seem to mind the freezing cold water.
Braving the water at Sand Beach

I might make this my new profile picture on FB!
On top of Mt Champlain
After a little siesta at home, and cooking for Shabbat, we went out again, on our last Acadia tiyul. We thought we'd go for an easy stroll but ended up, once again, going up Champlain Mountain - our most strenuous hike yet. The kids scampered up and down the mountain, shouting, what has become this week's theme: "What a view". The views were truly impressive and we got to see Mt. Desert Island from yet another angle. The best part was that the entire trail was surrounded by wild blueberry bushes and the kids picked and ate their fill. If left up to themselves, they never would have made it up the mountain (due to stopping at every blueberry bush), but then we made a game of it: whoever stopped too long for the blueberries and got stuck behind Josh and Rakia wouldn't get ice cream at the end. This was good incentive to keep everyone moving.

Ice cream was had by all

Gotta run - Shabbat Shalom - will post pictures tomorrow night!

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